Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Crittercam- For or Against?

From the picture to the left you can see the lovely little backpack this lucky penguin gets to haul around so that I can sit in the comfort of home and watch what it would be like to live, eat, hunt, swim in the Arctic as this penguin. The question comes up, is this right to do? The pro argument would say that these critter cams create insights into the worlds of creatures people would not otherwise know and this creates an awareness to conserve and protect these animals which now have faces since we have seen them swim around a bit. The against argument would say that these little cams, though no one who is involved in the them would admit to it, does create a strain on the animals natural life. I think it is a bit harder to hide and swim away from predators with the latest video technology strapped to your back. Also the animals bodies are not use to the (relative to size) huge machine now attached to them. Although the footage is amazing that I have watched, (one video was on an arctic sunset through the view of a seal, now when would I have EVER been able to see that if it wasn't for the seal?) I think that it isn't something that we should really be doing. Or is it doing more good than harm? Check it out for yourself.....

Let me know what you think.....

Monday, August 6, 2007

Becoming Jane

I just went to see Becoming Jane, I am a huge closet Jane Austin fan....never read the books but I have seen all the movies, that's just how I roll. I love the romance of the era, but hate the rules and games that had to be played due to status and rank. This movie was on her real life romance, and it was incredible, right up to the point when as they were running away together to marry she found a letter to her fiance from his mother thanking him for the money he always sent to them to support the family, who depended on him alone. Since he was running away to be married he would lose his inheritance and the family would be in poverty. Jane, not wanting to starve her fiance's family to fulfill her love, leaves him and lives a life alone, until she dies. If I had known that I was signing up for the all depressing hour, I might have thought twice about going. But it is better to have loved and lost than not loved at all, I do agree. All her books end with the heroine getting everything her heart desired, the opposite of her real life. So much pain and long suffering for events entirely out of her control. I admire her for what she did, but somehow think that she gave up too quickly and did not wait for other events to unfold that might have made it all happen. Such a loss. I often think that to live in that time would be so much simpler, something that I am always longing for, but after this movie, I think I'll stay in my century just yet, they had complications too.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Ode to Trees

I love trees, I mean really love. I feel like when I am standing under one that I am in the presence of God, part of His extravagance. That is why I can't understand these "people" in my neighborhood who constantly cut them down for no reason. I know lets just kill a 40 year old tree so we can get some more sun on this hotter than hell planet, whats 40 years? I know, lets just not have any trees or grass or bushes and just all live on concrete slabs and mark our property lines with chalk, it will be like one big party in a gigantic parking lot. Sounds like fun!!

I am professional at being umemployed

I have no idea what went wrong in my long stream of terrible jobs, but looking back on the whole thing is some kind of special torture. If it wasn't the economy, hiring freeze or whatever it was some boss that had to be the stupidest person I ever met, then there were the ones who outright repeatedly and methodically manipulated me. So here I am, again, unemployed. I am just about ready to dump the whole "corporate" thing and label it for the horrible abomination it is.