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Ok, this is my beef with phone books, around this time of year (who knows why) I start getting phone books, in my mailbox, on my porch, at work, I am practically stepping over them, in fact I almost tripped over one last night due to inadequete lighting on my porch. I see stacks of them at the Post Office..stacks. What is the deal? Did a bunch of people decide to get together and find old, outdated, manual ways of doing business and then kill off all the remaning trees we have left on this planet to clog our poarches and mail boxes with gigantic books that take up space? And who uses phone books anymore, I'm sorry, but I don't...if that makes me a snob than hand me a crown and I will be queen of the internet searches...let me think, it is faster, you can find what you want in a multitude of ways and it takes up NO space and it is not killing trees (if you are unaware of my feelings about trees please see blog below). So I started a new job and guess what was waiting for me 5, yes 5 phone books! And what is up with not ever being able to find what you are looking for in them anyway, you remember those tabs (also see... blah, blah, blah) it's another way for the phone book publisher to send you on a goose chase to find a simple listing. And what the heck is up with people who keep old phone books!?!? This makes NO sense, I recently moved into a new condo also and what was waiting for me but 4 old, outdated phone books, ya-those are gone. I know..I know, let's start collection, I will have all the phone books lined up in order from 1975 to today along with my old yearbooks and sports illustrateds in the front room, won't that look nice? Uh,....what? I don't know about you, but I agree with Ivan "The Terrible," I don't need another damn phonebook!